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           Upcoming Events

                            2025 Events Schedule
Boisakh Celebration - May 10, 2025
Picnic - July 26, 2025
BAFA 10th Anniversary - September 13, 2025
BAFA Fishing Day - September 27, 2025
Bijoy Dibosh Celebration - December 20, 2025

                           2026 Events Schedule
Boisakh Celebration - April 25, 2026
Picnic - July XX, 2026 (TBD)
BAFA Annual Sports Tournament -
BAFA Fishing Day - September (TBD)
Bijoy Dibosh Celebration - December 19, 2026

                            2027 Events Schedule
Boisakh Celebration - April 24, 2027
Picnic - July XX, 2027 (TBD)
BAFA Annual Sports Tournament - TBD
BAFA Fishing Day - September (TBD)
Bijoy Dibosh Celebration - December 18, 2027

Previous Events

বাফা আয়োজিত বৈশাখী ভারচুয়াল অনুষ্ঠান ,বাংলাঃ১লা বৈশাখ ১৪২৯
Please Click the Play Button 

বৈশাখ ১৪২৯, নতুন বছরে বাংলাদেশী আমেরিকান ফাউন্ডেশন অব আলবেনী (বাফা) আয়োজিত অনুষ্ঠানে সবাইকে শুভ নববর্ষ ।  


পুরো অনুষ্ঠানটি জুড়ে যারা আছেনঃ


তুষার খান , পিনু সাত্তার , টিউলিপ দও, তানিয়া মনির, ফারিয়া চৌধুরী, রহিম বাদশাহ, দিলরুবা কলি, অবনী দেবনাথ, মিজানুর রহমান প্রধান , জয়া সাহা। 

কারিগরি সহযোগীতাঃ ভিডিও  এবং  এডিটিংঃ  জাবেদ মনির ।


দুচোখে হঠাৎ করে কাল বৈশাখীঃ পরিচালনায় এবং ভিডিও রেকর্ডিং এ ছিলেন এলিজা সাত্তার ( লিসা)।


মম চিত্তে নিতি নৃত্যেঃ পরিচালনায় রত্না সরকার


সার্বিক সহযোগীতাঃ

জাবেদ মনির, তানিয়া মনির, রহিম বাদশাহ, তুষার খান, সোহেল আহমেদ, সন্জয় সিকদার, জগবন্ধু দেবনাথ, দিলরুবা কলি, বিশ্বজিত দও, মিজানুর রহমান প্রধান এবং জয়া সাহা।

Family Photo Session at BAFA Picnic 

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Family Photo Session at BAFA Picnic

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BAFA Borshoboron 1426 (বর্ষবরণ ১৪২৬)

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Family Photo Session at BAFA EID Potluck

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Celebration of Victory Month 2018 (বিজয়ের মাস ২০১৮ উদযাপন) with BAFA





On Dec 16 th,1971, West Pakistani (Present Pakistan) Army surrendered to us after the 9 months long liberation war and as a result, Bangladesh gained her victory. BAFA Celebrated the Victory Month on Saturday, Dec 8th, 2018 at Latham Ridge Elementary School, 6 Mercer Ave, Latham, NY 12110.

It takes lots of time and dedication to organize an event like this. Our Volunteers worked hard and committed their time to organize this event so that we as a community enjoy our national event together.   We express our deepest respect to those who sacrificed their lives and the freedom fighters who participated in the war to claim our motherland. Please take few minutes of your valuable time to see what took place behind the scene for stage preparation for that event.

Background singers of this slides show are:  Rahim Badsah: “এক নদী রক্ত পেরিয়ে “ and  Tahmina Mahtab Sonia:  ওরা আসবে চুপি চুপি ||

& Tahmina Mahtab Sonia:  ওরা আসবে চুপি চুপি ||

Once again thank you for joining us. 

BAFA Annual Picnic 2017 on Sunday, July 30, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

You are cordially invited to attend “BAFA Annual Picnic 2017” on Sunday, July 30, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at Henry Hudson Town Park, Barent Winne Rd, Selkirk, NY 12158. Please be prepared for lots of food, lots of entertainment, and lots of fun.



$15 per adult.

$5 per child over 5 years of age.

Children up to 5 years of age are free.

$60 maximum per family (Husband, wife, kids & parents).


Please reply to this email or call any of the following directors to confirm your attendance: Mizan Prodhan at (518) 542-0031, Ratan Huda at (646) 824-9504, Humayun Kabir at (518) 779-4544 or Abdullah Khan (Tushar) at (347) 423-1086.

In case we inadvertently missed anybody, please pass on this information to them.

বর্ষবরণ ও বৈশাখী মেলা ১৪২৪

We would like to thank you for your overwhelming participation at Bengali New Year celebration “বর্ষবরণ ও বৈশাখী মেলা-১৪২৪" organized by BAFA on April 15, 2017. Here are a few highlights that will make you feel proud:


  • It was the longest (7 hours) and biggest daytime Bengali event in Albany area with a get-together of around 300 people.

  • The first ever বৈশাখী মেলা that had a number of stalls (মিষ্টি, আচার, পান, ঝালমুড়ি, ফুচকা, শাড়ি, গহনা, মেহেদী ইত্যাদি) with a overflow crowd.

  • The longest ever nonstop cultural show in Albany area that lasted for about 5 hours.

  • A Mobile Team of Consulate General of Bangladesh, New York served a large number of community members with passport renewal, visas and other services.

Bangladesh Victory Day - December 16, 2017

As you all know, the 16th December is the Victory Day of our homeland Bangladesh. Forty-five years ago, on this day, Bangladesh became independent by defeating the Pakistani occupation forces after nine-month-long liberation war. Millions of people sacrificed their lives for our home country. To commemorate their sacrifices and celebrate the victory, Bangladeshi American Foundation of Albany (BAFA) is going to organize a Victory Day event on Friday, Dec 16, 2016.

Pine Grove United Methodist Church

1580 Central Ave

Albany, NY 12205

Date and Time: Friday, Dec 16, 2016 at 6:30 PM.

Find us: 

244 Ontario Street

Cohoes, NY 12047

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Contact Page

BAFA is a 501(c)(3)
Non-profit Organization

EIN 47-5660177

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