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This Event is closed as of today, Jan 7th, 2021
 Donations for Burial Service of Mr. Rafiqul Islam. Please Click on Donate Button

Dear Community Members,


We are expressing our sincere gratitude for your generous contributions for deceased Mohammed Rafiqul Islam. Without your generous support, it was impossible to achieve this philanthropic duty. May Allah bless us all and keep us safe. Our Community once again proved that we are always untied when there is a need.

With the blessing of Allah, we like to inform you that deceased Mohammed Rafiqul Islam’s body will reach Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Jan 9, 2021, at 4:45 PM (BD time) by Emirates Airlines. The flight will depart from JFK tonight at 11:00 PM.

We are also officially closing this fundraising event today. We have raised a total of $11,678. For your information, we are also sharing the breakdown of funds dismemberment that includes funeral cost, sending off his personal possessions to Bangladesh, paying off his personal debts, and providing the rest of the funds to his family. Please find the attachment and see the breakdown below: 

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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